Craigmore Sustainables was established in 2009 to build progressive farming, horticulture and forestry businesses that produce quality food and fibre which is sought after around the world. In doing so, Craigmore is bringing together the necessary expertise, values and capital to address the social, financial, and environmental issues at a community and global level.
For us, investing in natural assets and revitalising rural communities is crucial to improving social equity, reversing biodiversity loss and addressing climate change.
We aim to demonstrate that from our corner of the world we can address social, financial and environmental challenges and break down the barriers to deliver a more sustainable future. Aotearoa New Zealand is our canvas, because it is what we know, and we believe it has the potential to be a leader in sustainable food and fibre production.
Craigmore is unique in that it manages international funds in a way that ensures New Zealanders retain full control and management of every business. It has taken more than a decade of searching globally to build a pool of investors that are aligned with our long-term sustainability values and the need for local decision making.
We recognise that farming, horticulture and forestry play an important role in both contributing to and mitigating climate change and we have a number of sustainability programmes in place. We invest in trialing new technologies and operational practices that improve land use and reduce environmental impacts and work with industry partners to fast-track trials and adoption.
At the heart of our approach is our commitment to our communities. By providing jobs and career pathways we strive to reinvigorate our rural communities and instill confidence in the farming, horticulture and forestry sectors.
Our values run deep and we see it as our duty as kaitiaki (guardian) to leave the world in a better place and allow the generations that follow to continue to earn a living from the land.
Horticulture sector assets
Farming sector assets
Forestry sector assets
Total assets (NZD)
Number of investment vehicles
Number of direct employees
Kaitiaki is a term, which in te reo Māori, means something similar to guardian. As Kaitiaki of managed capital, land, water, animals, people and the communities in which we operate, we care for, nurture and above all, protect these for future generations.
This vision to grow the best applies to everything we do:
Our commitment to being Kaitiaki is also a commitment to uphold the expectations set out in Te Tiriti o Waitangi (The Treaty of Waitangi).
We strive to be locally, nationally and globally recognised as one of the best managers of natural assets. To achieve this, our businesses must deliver long-term financial returns and address the industry challenges which are barriers to more sustainable futures for our communities.
These challenges include, among others:
To address these challenges, we need access to capital (Fund the change), to hold ourselves to the highest standard of operational excellence (Be the change), and to use our success to influence others (Enable others to be the change).
We ‘look beyond the fence’ and challenge today’s norms. We believe in turning knowledge into action, sharing what we learn with others, and having the courage to act now for a better tomorrow.
The value is symbolised by the koru (fern frond), which represents growth and regeneration.
Empowerment is at the heart of Craigmore. We believe that our people are best positioned to make decisions about operations, so we give them the space and support to do just that.
The value is symbolised by the pikorua (double twist),which represents an enduring bond between people in spite of barriers of time and distance.
Get the job done, right. We deliver on expectations and are honest and transparent when we fall short. We lead by example and celebrate our achievements.
The value is symbolised by the waharoa (gateway), which demonstrates our commitment to ‘go through the front gate’ and be straight up with others.